Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
(Photo by Big Change)

I think one's ability to succeed heavily relies on growth mindset along with other factors. As I stated in my last post about growth mindset, fixed mindset is when you think that there is no room for improvement and you either get something or you don't. For example, if math comes easy to you, but you struggle in athletics, then that is the end of it.

My strengths are in creativity, so anything as far as storytelling goes and the arts. My weakness is in anything formulated like math and science and has a spot on answer. I don't think this class is going to help me much with math and science, but it'll definitely help me get stronger in areas that require creativity.

I think another strength I have is just simply having a growth mindset. Many people give up and shut down when they are faced with anything that makes them uncomfortable and feels foreign to them. The best thing to do is to push through it because even if you don't do it well, your actions are a huge reflection of your character.

By having a growth mindset, I feel that helps me stay optimistic. While I might feel nervous completing some tasks, I still hope that I'll get it right eventually. So I always think, "I can't do it... yet." And the word "yet" alone changes everything.


  1. I feel like I have the beginnings of a growth mindset implanted in my mind, but one of my biggest obstacles is finding a way to push through obstacles outside of my comfort zone due to a lack of confidence in my own abilities, or at least I have trouble finding a consistent attitude to keep pushing through with a straight mind, as I am prone to moments of panic and stress. I've gotten better at taking feedback over my years, which is a comforting reassurance when I have often been surrounded by praise for my work. I just hope that I'll be able to keep a better attitude due to it.

  2. I'm pretty weak in science, too :(.

    I'm glad you have a great growth mindset! That's definitely something good to have. It is pretty hard to push through sometimes and I think if you're able to, that shows strength in itself.

    And yes! Your mindset is great and I hope that you're able to accomplish whatever your goals are. I hope that the nervousness goes away and eventually, you'll be happy with your tasks :).

  3. I love your thought's on growth mindset. I actually know a lot of people that don't have anywhere near a growth mindset, and they do shut down instead of pushing forward. It's really good that you always try to find the good in situations, and that you maintain a growth mindset. You're right, the word yet can change a lot of things. Though someone may have had a tough time doing something one day, that doesn't mean it will always be that way.

  4. I can totally relate to you. I also have a strong suit in creativity, but when it comes to math or science… I’m at a lost. Though I can manage to learn those things, it does come a bit harder to understand. This class has helped me think outside of the box and develop a better story telling mindset. Keep up the positive mindset, and you’ll do great!
