Sunday, April 16, 2017

Reading Notes: Hans Christian Andersen, Part B

The Little Mermaid
(Photo by Dulac

The entire second section is about Andersen’s version of The Little Mermaid.

There was a Sea King who had been a widower for a long time. He had six daughters but the youngest was the most beautiful. They were told that when they turn 15 they will be allowed to swim to the surface of the water and sit on the rocks. As each sister turned 15, they came back with stories of what they saw. They all went at different times in the year so the saw different things.

Once she turned 15 she rose up as her sisters did. She saw ship with the most beautiful prince she’d ever seen. A storm came the ship was wrecked and she saved him. She swam away before he woke and watched him. She saw another girl claim she saved him but he knew it wasn’t her. There were some other mermaids who knew of the prince and told her where he came from.

She watched him from afar with her sisters. She became more in love and fascinated with humans. She wanted to be human so she sought a sorceress for help. The sorceress told her that if she does this, she can never come back and if the prince doesn’t fall in love with her she will never have an immortal soul. The little mermaid agrees. The sorceress then asked for her payment: the voice of the little mermaid.

She finds out the prince is to be married and she prepares for her death. Her sisters then appear and said they made a deal with the sorceress so she may live. They hand her a knife that she must kill the prince with and his blood will give her tail back.

She sends her sisters back and accepted her death.

Bibliography. Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy Tales and Stories. Source.

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